Use potentials and opportunities in after-sales

Where does your company stand today in terms of after-sales?
For a little more than 1.5 years now I have been working as an independent consultant and interim manager in mechanical engineering. The fee that customers paid for my services, with an average mandate length of 2-6 months, was usually recovered within 2-5 months. This corresponds to an ROI of 2-5 months. When was the last time you achieved a comparable ROI with your investments?

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What does mechanical engineering have in common with big game hunting?

Curious what After Sales has to do with it?

Some truths are uncomfortable because they contradict the self-image. A large number of machine builders are still convinced that they make the most money from tailor-made machines. This is usually wrong, because these machines cause a lot of effort in the engineering department and the entire manufacturing.
Mechanical engineers achieve the highest margins with what appears to be a small side business: After Sales.

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Professional support

In the case of expediting, we take care of the deadline monitoring and regular quality control for our customers until the final acceptance of the order. We support in communication, help with conflict resolution and find solutions together with our clients. Our team of experienced specialists can draw on many years of experience, particularly in mechanical engineering.

As a buyer, you have to rely 100% on the statements of the seller. In many cases, however, the overseas buyer has no possibility, at least not without great effort, to visit the supplier at short notice.

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Supply Chain and After Sales

An everlasting challenge – exploit the potential!

The increasing expectations of customers regarding the delivery performance of their suppliers in
mechanical engineering are often in conflict with the internal requirement to reduce personnel
costs and reduce inventory levels. Suppliers from Best Value / Low Cost Countries are also used for
further cost optimization.

In addition to the internal cost pressure, there is also a common requirement to sustainably increase
the service level and sales. Can the requirements in both areas be met together?

The answer is: YES

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Mit Marktbewusstsein punkten

Von Thomas Willemsen, VDMA Nachrichten 02|2018 S. 24 – 25

Das Service-Entwicklungspotenzial schöpft der mittelständische Maschinenbau in Deutschland nicht immer gut aus. Viele Unternehmen beachten zu wenig die marktrelevanten Faktoren.

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